Universiteit Hasselt

PhD student Simulation Optimization

2024-07-05 (Europe/Brussels)
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The research group Computational Mathematics (faculty of Sciences) is part of the Data Science Institute (https://www.uhasselt.be/en/instituten-en/dsi) of UHasselt, and focuses on the mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of real-life processes for system analysis and decision support.

Job content
This PhD research aims at developing algorithms for simulation optimization, using machine learning techniques. This brings a number of challenges, as simulation outputs may be stochastic, and multiple objectives may play a role in the optimization.  This research field is in full development, and offers methodological as well as conceptual challenges. You are expected to develop efficient and effective algorithms that push the state-of-the-art, to apply these to real-life use cases, and to communicate your results to experts and non-experts, both nationally and internationally.
You will prepare a doctoral thesis and present your research results in scientific publications and at (inter)national conferences. You wil also participate in the Doctoral School of Sciences and Technologie. 


  • You have an academic Master with quantitative focus, such as Master in Engineering, Master in Data Science and/or Statistics, Master in Industrial Engineering, Master in Computer Science, Master in Mathematics (or equivalent).
    Final-year students are (likewise) encouraged to apply.
  • You have a good knowledge of English. Knowledge of Dutch is an advantage.
  • You dispose of outstanding problem solving capacity. You work independently and are result oriented, and you dispose of excellent organisational skills.
  • You have a critical attitude as a researcher.
  • You dispose of very good oral and written communication skills.
  • You are cooperative and can work effectively in a team environment.
  • A strong interest in machine learning and simulation optimization is required; experience in one of these areas (especially, Gaussian process regression or Bayesian optimization) is a clear advantage. Experience with computer programming (such as, e.g., Python or MATLAB) is required

You will be appointed and paid as PhD student.
2 x 2 years, after positive evaluation.

Selection procedure
You can only apply online up to and including 05 July 2024.
The selection procedure consists of a preselection based on application file and an interview.

Further information
Prof. dr. Inneke VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, +32-11-269119, inneke.vannieuwenhuyse@uhasselt.be

For questions about the selection procedure, please email jobs@uhasselt.be.

Informatie over de vacature

PhD student Simulation Optimization
Martelarenlaan 42 Hasselt, België
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2024-07-05 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2024-07-05 23:59 (CET)
Soort functie
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