Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Postdoc & PhD positions at the Collaborative Research Centre “Plant Proteoform Diversity”

2024-06-30 (Europe/Berlin)
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Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1664 

GERMANY    Halle (Saale) • Gatersleben • Leipzig 

Postdoc & PhD positions available

Plant Science • Protein Science • Computer Science

The Collaborative Research Centre “Plant Proteoform Diversity” (acronym SNP2Prot) is currently recruiting postdoctoral and doctoral researchers for the first 45-months funding period starting in October 2024. 

We offer an excellent scientific environment for interested scientists of different research fields:

PLANT SCIENCE   Molecular Plant Biology · Plant Biochemistry · Genetics

PROTEIN SCIENCE   Biophysics · Structural Biology · Mass Spectrometry · Enzymology

COMPUTER SCIENCE   Bioinformatics · Computational Protein Design · Structural Modelling · Data Management

at contributing institutions in Germany:

  • Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)
  • Leipzig University, Leipzig
  • Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB), Halle (Saale)
  • Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben

The major objective of SNP2Prot is to understand how genome-encoded sequence variation affects protein structure and function. In this CRC, the close collaboration between (molecular) plant research, protein research and computer science are prerequisite to elucidate and ultimately predict how naturally occurring genetic variation mechanistically translates into the manifestation of phenotypic traits.

Each of the 17 projects of SNP2Prot is designed to combine expertise of two principal investigators (PIs) of complementary disciplines. This special concept ensures that all candidates (PhD students and postdocs) benefit significantly from the interdisciplinary environment. Furthermore, the unique and comprehensive mentoring is ideal to develop and actively realize individual career planning. This will be specifically ensured by the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) “PROTEOFORuM” providing early career scientists with scientific training, lab rotations, training of transferable skills and other supportive CRC activities.

Take the opportunity and become part of the SNP2Prot team.

Visit our website and see a list of all offered positions: 

Apply via the SNP2Prot web application form. 

Informatie over de vacature

Postdoc & PhD positions at the Collaborative Research Centre “Plant Proteoform Diversity”
Betty-Heimann-Straße 5, Halle (Saale) Germany Halle, Duitsland
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2024-06-30 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-06-30 23:59 (CET)
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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg – for more than 500 years a place of scientific enlightenment, academic development and future-oriented r...

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