Örebro University

Doctoral student in Informatics

2024-08-01 (Europe/Stockholm)
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Reference number ORU 2.1.1-03449/2024

Örebro University and the School of Business are looking for a doctoral student for the doctoral programme in Informatics, concluding with a doctoral degree.
Start date: 15 October 2024.

Project description

The Division of Informatics, with 24 employees, is looking for a doctoral student specialising in information security management. Research in Informatics is about studying digitalisation and its conditions, meanings, values and consequences in individual, organisational and societal contexts. The subject includes the study and development of digital practices, resources, artefacts and systems. Digital practices include the management, design, implementation and use of digital resources, artefacts and systems. The current doctoral position focuses on how artificial intelligence can be used in the development and design of information security policies that target employees. More specifically, the research will focus on how large language models can be trained and used to support management roles developing such policies.

Research in Informatics at Örebro University is conducted in the research environment Centre for Empirical Research on Information (CERIS). CERIS conducts research on the digitalisation of organisations and society based on six different application areas: eHealth, Electronic Government, ICT for development, Information security, IT and learning, and System development methods. 

The recruitment takes place within the framework of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT. This means that as a doctoral student you will be able to take part in the courses, conferences and networks that the research school organises. The research school is currently a collaboration between 12 Swedish universities and their Informatics and Business administration subjects.

The successful candidate should show strong and independent problem-solving abilities as well as critical analytical abilities. Fluent spoken and written English is required, while knowledge of Swedish is not necessary. Demonstrated and good skills in programming and quantitative methods are required. Previous experience in socio-technical aspects of information security and Artificial Intelligence, especially large language models, is an advantage.

Supervision: The doctoral student will be supervised by professor Fredrik Karlsson (principal supervisor), associate professor Shang Gao (assistant supervisor) and postdoc Elham Rostami (assistant supervisor).

The programme and the doctoral studentship

The doctoral programme consists of courses and an independent research project that you will present in a doctoral thesis. The programme concludes with a doctoral degree and comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of full-time study. The position may include teaching, administration and research other than the thesis work itself, up to a maximum of 20 per cent of full-time. In that case, the doctoral education and funding will be increased by the corresponding amount.

Our ambition is for your doctoral studies to be stimulating and purposeful throughout the programme until you have obtained your doctoral degree. A thorough introduction will therefore get you off to a good start and provide a solid foundation on which you can build your studies. As a doctoral student at Örebro University, you will be offered a specially tailored seminar series, covering matters ranging from doctoral programme rules and careers to support during the study period and networking.

The place on the programme is linked to a full-time doctoral studentship for the duration of the study programme, which corresponds to four years of full-time study. More information on doctoral studentships, part-time studies and part-time doctoral studentships can be found in the Regulations Handbook. The initial salary for a doctoral studentship is SEK 30 300 a month.

Entry requirements and selection

For admission to doctoral studies, applicants are required to meet both general entry requirements and specific entry requirements. In addition, applicants must be considered in other respects to have the ability required to benefit from the programme. For a full account of the entry requirements, refer to the admissions regulations as well as to annex 2 to the general syllabus for Informatics.

Applicants meet the specific entry requirements for doctoral studies in the subject if they have received a passing grade in courses of at least 90 credits, including an independent project on the Bachelor's level, in informatics. Applicants who have acquired substantially corresponding knowledge, in Sweden or abroad, also meet the specific entry requirements. Applicants with credits or qualifications from undergraduate programmes under the previous Swedish higher education system corresponding to these entry requirements are also eligible.


For more information about the programme and the doctoral studentship, contact professor Fredrik Karlsson, e-mail: fredrik.karlsson@oru.se and subject representative professor Annika Andersson, e-mail: annika.andersson@oru.se.

The filling of the position is subject to the necessary funding decisions being taken.

At Örebro University, we expect each member of staff to be open to development and change; take responsibility for their work and performance; demonstrate a keen interest in collaboration and contribute to development; as well as to show respect for others by adopting a constructive and professional approach.

Örebro University actively pursues equal opportunities and gender equality as well as a work environment characterised by openness, trust and respect. We value the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.

Application to the programme and for the doctoral studentship

The application is made online. Click the button “Apply” to begin the application procedure.

For the application to be complete, the following electronic documents must be included:

  • The form Application for/decision on admission to research studies
  • CV
  • Copies of original certificate and official transcript for Bachelor's degree
  • Copies of original certificate and official transcript for Master's degree
  • Independent project (master's degree project)
  • Other relevant documents, course and degree certificates verifying eligibility
  • Description of research interests – a description of the applicant's interest in the described field of research and arguments how the applicant's competences profile fits the research field (1-2 pages).

As a main rule, application documents and attachments are to be written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, or English. Certificates and documents in other languages verifying your qualifications and experience must be translated by an authorised translator to Swedish or English. A list of authorised translators can be obtained from Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency), www.kammarkollegiet.se/engelska/start.

When you apply for admission, you automatically also apply for a doctoral studentship.
More information for applicants will be found on our career site: https://www.oru.se/english/career/available-positions/applicants-and-external-experts/

The application deadline is 1 August 2024. We look forward to receiving your application!

As we have already made our choices in terms of external collaboration partners and marketing efforts for this recruitment process, we decline any contact with recruitment agencies and advertisers.

As directed by the National Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), we are required to deposit one file copy of the application documents, excluding publications, for a period of two years after the appointment decision has gained legal force.

Informatie over de vacature

Doctoral student in Informatics
Fakultetsgatan 1 Örebro, Zweden
Uiterste sollicitatiedatum
2024-08-01 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)
2024-08-01 23:59 (CET)
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The university provides education & research in humanities, law, social science, science, technology, health care, medicine, education, music and s...

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