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Over de werkgever

CeMM is an interdisciplinary research institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences committed to achieving maximum scientific innovation in molecular medicine to improve healthcare.

At CeMM, an international and creative team of scientists and medical doctors pursues free-minded basic life science research in a large and vibrant hospital environment of outstanding medical tradition and practice in the heart of Vienna.

CeMM’s research is based on post-genomic technologies and focuses on societally important diseases, such as immune disorders and infections, cancer and metabolic disorders. CeMM operates in a unique mode of super-cooperation, connecting biology with medicine, experiments with computation, discovery with translation, and science with society and the arts.

CeMM trains a modern blend of biomedical scientists to make great contributions. The goal of CeMM is to pioneer the science that nurtures the precise, personalized, predictive and preventive medicine of the future.

CeMM Video Trailer from CeMM on Vimeo.

Locatie werkgever

Vergelijkbare werkgevers

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) Oostenrijk 31 vacatures
TU Wien Oostenrijk 12 vacatures
MCI Entrepreneurial School® Oostenrijk 8 vacatures
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Sankt Pölten, Oostenrijk 5 vacatures
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