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IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a PhD program in Bonn, Germany that offers a multidisciplinary PhD training and research program in the field of neuroethology. The research groups in the program aim to understand how the collective activity of the vast numbers of interconnected neurons in the brain gives rise to the diversity of animal behavior. Gaining a full understanding of brain circuity underlying a specific behavior requires a combination of research approaches focusing on different levels of detail - ranging from the anatomical reconstruction of neural circuits to imaging the activity of neurons in the brains of freely moving animals and the quantitative behavioral analysis of natural behavior.
IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar (MPINB), the University of Bonn, and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn.
Current PhD Students
The IMPRS for Brain & Behavior currently has 47 PhD students from 19 different countries. Our program is very international, with more than half of our PhD students coming from outside Germany. 23 of our 47 PhD students are female.
As the research groups at the IMPRS for Brain & Behavior work on interdisciplinary topics, our PhD students come from a variety of educational backgrounds. They have degrees in neuroscience, biology, physics, mathematics, medicine, cognitive science, and psychology, among others.
Our Offer