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The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is a century-old, public university hospital that is committed to research. Healthcare, research and teaching are our raison d'être and the hospital is active within these spheres in order to achieve excellence.
Research is fundamental for progress, for improving our patients’ health, and for trying to identify the causes of diseases and ways of curing them.
In 1989, we created the Clínic Foundation for Biomedical Research (FCRB) the first Foundation in Spain devoted to promoting and managing research independently from healthcare. In 1996, the August Pi Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS) was founded, as a public consortium comprising the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the University of Barcelona, and the Government of Catalonia, with the CSIC Institute of Biomedical Research in Barcelona later joining as an associated centre. The consortium’s aim is to integrate basic and clinical research in order to attempt to answer questions that arise whilst caring for our patients. This healthcare, teaching and university environment, in which basic, translational and clinical research is carried out, comprising the Hospital, the Foundation, IDIBAPS and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Barcelona, forms the Barcelona Clínic Campus, a flagship biomedical research centre in Catalonia and in Spain for ongoing research into diseases and their treatment, clinical applications and their dissemination.
Biomedical research is one of the fundamental pillars of the Clínic Barcelona Hospital. This research is primarily coordinated through the IDIBAPS.
The Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) carries out excellent biomedical research and investigates the most common diseases in our society. Our mission is translational research; that is, we look to ensure that the questions that arise at the patient’s bedside find answers in the laboratory and that advances made in the laboratory are translated rapidly to the patient.
IDIBAPS research is organized into programmes and areas. The programmes bring together several IDIBAPS groups that collaborate together to carry out research projects. Areas are management structures.