
Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Diverse locaties Vantaa, Finland
Espoo, Finland
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Over de werkgever

At Laurea, we believe in interaction and encounters between people; the ability to meet another person is our most valuable capital. Service management is based on understanding people, marketing and sales on understanding customers, nursing and social work on understanding clients, and safety on understanding people and users.

Laurea is a higher education institution that operates on six campuses in the Uusimaa region. People and interaction are at the core of our operations.

At Laurea, studies, RDI activities and regional development are carried out in cooperation with different participants, including a variety of social actors, sectors and international partners. Cooperation is based on equality, with everyone being able to produce new knowledge and understanding.

Learning and practical work go hand in hand at Laurea. Real-world assignments, such as projects and development work, are a key element in all our fields of study. During their studies, Laurea’s students get numerous opportunities to build their future jointly with potential employers.

Our practical approach to studies and real-life study projects ensure that our students get networking opportunities and can accumulate work experience.

Service promise: “We are here for you at Laurea”

Our service promise, “We are here for you at Laurea", is an assurance of a good learning environment for our students and of partnership and joint development for our partners.

1. At Laurea, you can study flexibly

At Laurea, you will make a personal study plan that supports your goals. You will study in genuine working life projects. You can also plan your own schedule of studies and speed up graduation thanks to our flexible study offer.

2. At Laurea, you get guidance and feedback

We support your personal individual development and the progress of your studies using various guidance measures. As teachers and tutors, we are committed to giving you feedback on your development on a regular basis.

3. At Laurea, you build your future with us – together with employers

We are committed to acting in cooperation with you and employers in accordance with the Learning by Developing (LbD) action model. You also have the opportunity to complete all your studies through real-life development projects.

4. At Laurea, you get high-quality services that support your studies

Our services ensure a smooth progress in your daily studies. We provide you with guidance and counselling in all matters related to your studies.

Learning by Developing (LbD) as ped­a­gog­i­cal action model

At Laurea, learning is based on real-life work projects and development assignments. We build learning around a research- and development-oriented approach, which we call Learning by Developing (LbD).

At Laurea:
•    You will learn through research and investigation, reflection and joint development together with teachers, students and working life
•    Gather knowledge base
•    Practice your skills
•    Develop creative problem-solving methods
•    Acquire the competence required in your profession by participating in various development projects
•    Active interaction with business and employers will help you establish valuable connections early on during your studies

Laurea’s degree-awarding education is provided in three distinctive forms as: daytime studies, blended learning and online learning. All three apply Laurea’s Learning by Developing (LbD) model, adapted to the nature of each individual form of study.

The LbD model is based on genuine development task related to real-life or a development task related to Laurea’s research, development and innovation project. In the LbD model, the teacher systematically guides the students and provides constructive feedback to support their professional growth.

Learning future work life competence through the LbD model

The Learning by Developing (LbD) model efficiently creates competence required in the work life. The LbD guides students to boldly take on challenges and act in a self-directed manner. The student learns how to combine theory and practice, how to resolve problems as well as critical thinking and reflection. The goal-oriented and guided work method develops competence related to project work and managing bigger pictures.

Learning by Developing requires an active approach and commitment from the student as well as building and sharing competence in teams. Close co-operation with work life builds the networks of the students and instructor with various partners.

The LbD model is incorporated into all of our study methods. The model hinges on the idea that in addition to examining theoretical problems, students continuously seek solutions to real problems and situations arising at work.  At Laurea you truly get to develop and improve!

Infographic of Laurea's Learning by developing model (LbD). The model will also be explained in the text.

Quality management at Laurea

​The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) conducted an audit of Laurea UAS in 2016 and has awarded Laurea a quality label that is valid for six years from August 2016. The quality system of Laurea fulfils the criteria for the quality management of higher education institutions and corresponds to the European principles and recommendations. The next audit of Laurea's quality system will be in Spring 2022.

FINEEC audited stamp.

Quality management is the foundation of Laurea's operations and a tool for continuous improvement. It is linked to all operations of Laurea UAS as different monitoring and development measures, and it is therefore a part of the management, strategic work and internal performance management of the organisation.

An example of everyday quality management at Laurea: Laurea has quality criteria for online studies as well as for daytime and blended learning, which help teachers to consider various elements and pedagogical solutions that are fundamental to planning a high-quality implementation. The quality criteria for online studies have been adapted from the criteria produced in the eAMK project so that Laurea's pedagogical starting points such as the LbD model have been taken into account.

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