447 postdoc-vacatures

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Zoekresultaten (447)
Amber Project
Diverse locaties Paradisgatan 5 Lund, Zweden
ul. M. Flisa 6 Warschau, Polen
Transportgatan 5 Lund, Zweden
71 avenue des Martyrs Grenoble, Frankrijk
University Road Leicester, Verenigd Koninkrijk
Fotongatan 2 Lund, Zweden

AMBER's second postdoctoral recruitment call

The EU-funded research project AMBER will announce its second round of postdoctoral fellowship positions on the 14th of June 2024. AMBER, Advanced Multiscale Biological imaging using European Research infrastructures, will address scientific and s...

1 maand geleden geplaatst
Sluit op: 2024-09-06